Pinterest Cooking

If Pinterest is good for one thing (other than suck hours from my life) it is finding some great recipes! Next to my boards that are planning the decor of apartments and house I don’t live in, things I’d like to add to my closet if I win the lotto, and DIY projects for days, you will find my “Nom, nom, nom" board. This board encompasses anything, that as the title implies, is nom-worthy. Food! Eventually I had to break my food boards up, adding "All About Desserts”, “Getting the Day Started”, “Crock-Potting”, and let’s not forget “Cool Off With These Drinks”. You know, for better organization a.k.a the countless hours sucked from my life have compiled to so many recipes that they had to broken up so that I could actually find what I was looking for when I wanted to make it! Anyways, if you don’t have a Pinterest account, it’s a pretty awesome platform that is essentially a combination of inspiration boards and social bookmarking. In simple terms, if you click on my boards (which you don’t need an account for) find something that looks delicious, click on it, and it will take you to the recipe. Woh hoh! I’ve always been all about the pictures in cookbooks too, so this seems to work out pretty well for me.

Today I’m going to walk you through a few recipes I made this week, because they were just too delicious not to share. Plus, they’re all 30 mins or less.

The first one I want to tell you about it what I have termed, “Cupcake Surprise”. 

These are the ingredients you’ll need to get started:

  • Oreos (Lucky for you, yours probably won’t cost $6.99! Dang you Manhattan)
  • Peanut butter
  • Brownie mix + oil and eggs you’ll need for the mix
  • Chocolate frosting

Your Cupcake Surprises, that really aren’t cupcakes, will be cooked in a muffin pan.

Start by taking two oreos and layering peanut butter in between them and also on top. Next, put them in your muffin pan and stir up your brownie mix.

Next, put your brownie mix on top of your oreos. Make sure you get enough around the cookies, it’s a little bit of a tight squeeze. Now all you have left to do is bake them for about 15-20 mins, or until they look done. 

Once they bake and cool off for a little bit, add some chocolate frosting on the top, because you know, there isn’t enough chocolate in them already! They may look like ordinary cupcakes on the outside… but on the inside…

YUM! Next up we have corn dog muffins, which are the perfect snacky food and SO easy!

All you need for this recipe is:

  • Hotdogs
  • Jiffy cornbread mix + milk and eggs for the mix

That’s it! Cut your hotdogs up, I put two in each muffin slot, and put your cornbread batter on top. Bake for 10-15 minutes and you’ll have these guys!

Get out a little ketchup or mustard, and enjoy!

So there you have it delicious and quick recipes courtesy of Pinterest