Monthly Goal Check-in :: Wins, Milestones and Progress from October

Anna Osgoodby Life + Biz :: Monthly Goal Check-in :: Wins, Milestones and Progress from October

October was definitely a wildddd ride over here. I’ve found myself smack dab in the middle of a season of change and while I’ve been trying to keep up with everything I’ve debated if I wanted to pause my updates for a bit. Let’s be real, I’ve thought about that quite a few times this year because… 2020!

I keep on showing up though because each month I remember that life is NEVER linear. Whether we’re living through the shitstorm that is this year or it’s another, we are ALWAYS going through ups and downs. That’s life for you! And if you wait to do things until life has calmed down… or only acknowledge your progress during the good times then you’re going to miss out on a hell of a lot.

Every month we have a new opportunity for growth and I love doing my check-ins because they remind me of just how much can happen in a month and help me realign for the next. Even more important, especially during this chapter, they remind me of just how strong and truly capable I am to accomplish big things even when life is a little cray cray!

So let’s get down to my highlights (both big and small) this month!

  1. I hit 80% of my yearly website traffic goal for my blog and had my top month of the year! That, even despite coming in short on my goal for new posts this month.

  2. Signed project contracts worth 20% of our annual business this year in one week’s time 😳 You could say it’s been a busy month for new business

  3. Invested in a course to learn a new skill I’ve been wanting to learn for awhile

  4. Started (and actually stuck) to a new skincare routine. Yes, quite the contrast to the others but… self-care

  5. Set limits on social media during my off hours and have cut back on my daily usage which was so necessary this month

I hope this update will encourage you to take a few minutes to reflect on your month as well! As always, if you want a little help through the process too, I have free downloads at the Get Your Goals section of my blog too! 🙌

Why do I do goal check-ins?

I started doing goal check-ins publically as a personal accountability challenge. Working on my goals and strategies to accomplish them have always been really important and by sharing them I felt an extra weight of commitment. Plus, I wanted a way to try and encourage others to have their own check-ins and keep working on their own goals. Helping others reach their dreams has always felt like my purpose and by being vulnerable and sharing the journey of my own I hope to inspire others as well.